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    Item   Pattern   Shape   Color   Size   Grade   Attribution   OMN   Price
P00001PlumeComport, OpenClear8H, 9.5DBAdamsPlume$ 39.95
P00002Ribbed PalmGoblet, WaterClear, Flint6.25H, 3.375DBMcKee Sprig$ 54.95
P00003Ribbed PalmGoblet, WaterClear, Flint6.25H, 3.375DAMcKee Sprig$ 54.95
P00004Hobnail BasePitcher, TankardClear, Engraved11H, 5.5DAKingNo. 27$ 89.95
P00005PennsylvaniaBottle, WaterClear9H, 5.5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15048$ 29.95
P00006Inverted Fan and FeatherTumblerGreen, Gilded4H, 3DBDuganCameo$ 34.95
P00007Inverted Fan and FeatherTumblerGreen, Gilded4H, 3DBDuganCameo$ 34.95
P00008Inverted Fan and FeatherTumblerGreen, Gilded4H, 3DBDuganCameo$ 34.95
P00009Inverted Fan and FeatherTumblerGreen, Gilded4H, 3DBDuganCameo$ 34.95
P00010Shell and TasselComport, OpenClear10L, 10W, 9HBDuncanNo. 555$ 99.95
P00011Pillow EncircledPitcher, TankardClear11.5H, 4.75DAModel Flint GlassNo. 587 Spokane$ 64.95
P00012Pillow EncircledPitcher, TankardClear11.5H, 4.75DBModel Flint GlassNo. 587 Spokane$ 34.95
P00013SnailBanana StandClear7.675H, 9.75DADuncanNo. 360$ 174.95
P00014Heart with ThumbprintBowlClear, Gilded3.5H, 9.125DATarentum Hartford$ 54.95
P00015HandComport, OpenClear6.5H, 9DAO'HaraNo. 39 Pennsylvania$ 29.95
P00016CurtainComportClear6.5H, 7.5DBBryceSultan$ 24.95
P00017Reverse 44Bowl, Footed, FlaredClear5H, 8.675DAU.S. GlassNo. 15140, Athenia$ 49.95
P00018Reverse 44Bowl, FootedClear5.25H, 7.5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15140, Athenia$ 44.95
P00019Frosted CircleButter, CoveredClear, Frosted6H, 7.375DAU.S. GlassNo. 15007 $ 74.95
P00020IllinoisStraw JarClear4.375L, 4.375W, 9.5HAU.S. GlassNo. 15052$ 59.95
P00021UtahCake StandClear6H, 9.5DBU.S. GlassNo. 15080$ 34.95
P00022MascotteComport, CoveredClear10.5H, 7DARipleyDominion$ 49.95
P00023OregonPitcher, WaterClear8.375H, 5.625DAU.S. GlassNo. 15073$ 59.95
P00024OregonPitcher, MilkClear7.25H, 4DAU.S. GlassNo. 15073$ 49.95
P00025Bead ColumnPitcher, WaterClear8.75H, 4.75DBD.C. JenkinsNo. 900$ 24.95
P00026Our Daily BreadPlate, BreadClear12.625L, 9.25W, 8.75HAUnattributedUnknown$ 34.95
P00027RibbonSugarClear, Frosted6H, 4.5DBBakewell, PearsEnglish$ 21.95
P00028Baltimore PearSugar, CoveredClear8H, 4DBAdamsGipsy$ 24.95
P00029Baltimore PearCreamerClear5.5H, 3.25DBAdamsGipsy$ 19.95
P00030RosetteCelery VaseClear8H, 3.75DABryceMagic$ 24.95
P00031Diamond BlockDish, ServingClear7.25L, 4.5W, 2HAColumbiaHenrietta$ 19.95
P00032Bow TieCake StandClear6H, 9DAThompsonNo. 18$ 174.95
P00033Spearpoint BandCreamerClear4.5H, 3.25DANationalGothic$ 24.95
P00034AustrianCreamerClear, Gilded4.625H, 3DBGreentownNo. 200$ 29.95
P00035CactusTumblerChocolate4H, 3DAGreentownNo. 375$ 34.95
P00036TexasCreamer, IndividualClear, Gilded3.5H, 2.5DCU.S. GlassNo. 15067$ 4.95
P00037OhioPitcher, WaterClear, Etched8.25H, 5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15050$ 54.95
P00038Star in BullseyeGoblet, WaterClear, Rose Stain, Gilded5.75H, 3DAU.S. GlassNo. 15092$ 34.95
P00039Button ArchesGoblet, WaterClear, Ruby Stain, Frosted Band, Engraved6H, 3.25DADuncanNo. 39$ 39.95
P00040Button ArchesGoblet, WaterClear, Ruby Stain, Engraved6H, 3.25DADuncanNo. 39$ 39.95
P00041Shell and JewelPitcher, WaterClear8.25H, 4.75DABeatty BradyShell and Jewel$ 29.95
P00042Frosted Double RibbonPitcher, WaterClear9.25H, 5.75DBAdamsDouble Ribbon$ 84.95
P00043Swirl TwistLamp, MiniatureClear5.5H, 3.125DBUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00044Pineapple StemGoblet, Water, Set(4)Clear, Engraved6.5H, 2.875DARipleyPavonia$ 129.95
P00045EmpressCreamerClear, Gilded5.5H, 4DARiversideNo. 492$ 34.95
P00046Fleur De LisGoblet, WaterClear5.75H, 3.25DAKingFleur De Lis$ 29.95
P00047Bar and DiamondGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.5DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 29.95
P00048Bar and DiamondBowl, FootedClear4.25H, 8.25DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 24.95
P00049BritannicComportClear8H, 8DAMcKee Britannic$ 34.95
P00050MinnesotaComport, Open, SquareClear9.675L, 12.25W, 8HAU.S GlassNo. 15055$ 49.95
P00051VictoriaCelery TrayClear, Frosted12L, 4.2W, 1.5HAFostoriaNo. 183$ 39.95
P00052St. Louis 1904Plate, SouvenirClear1H, 7.25DAUnattributedUnknown$ 19.95
P00053St. Louis 1904Plate, SouvenirClear1H, 7.25DAUnattributedUnknown$ 19.95
P00054Balky MulePlate, BreadClear0.5H, 9.5DACo-operative Flint No. 130 Currier and Ives$ 29.95
P00055Grapes, Pleasant to LaborPlate, BreadClear1.375H, 12.675DAMcKee Unnamed$ 24.95
P00056Washington CentennialPlate, BreadClear12L, 8.5W, 1.25HAGillinderCentennial$ 64.95
P00057Our Daily BreadPlate, BreadClear12L, 8.5W, 1.5HAUnattributedUnknown (No. 88)$ 39.95
P00058Frosted Stork (three)Plate, BreadClear12L, 8.25W, 1.5HACrystal Crystal Stork$ 49.95
P00059Continental HallPlate, BreadClear13L, 9W, 2HAAtterburyContinental$ 39.95
P00060Good Luck (double handle)Plate, BreadClear15L, 10W, 1.75HBAdamsPrayer Rug$ 149.95
P00061Shell and TasselDishAmber8L, 6W, 1.5HADuncanNo. 555$ 34.95
P00062Shell VariantPlate, BreadClear, Engraved12L, 7W, 1.5HAAdamsNo. 329$ 34.95
P00063Deer and Pine TreePlate, BreadBlue13L, 7.75W, 1.5HAMcKee Band Diamond$ 94.95
P00064Deer and Pine TreePlate, BreadClear13L, 7.75W, 1.5HAMcKee Band Diamond$ 39.95
P00065Railroad PlatterPlate, BreadClear12L, 9W, 1HACo-operative Flint Railroad$ 34.95
P00066ElephantPlate, ABCClear1H, 6DARipleyABC Plate$ 34.95
P00067DonkeyPlateMilk White, Painted0.875H, 7.25DBWestmoreland SpecialtyNo. 17$ 19.95
P00068TrefoilPlateMilk White0.75H, 7.25DACanton (likely)Trefoil$ 14.95
P00069Open WicketPlateMilk White0.75H, 8.25DAAtterbury (likely)No. 693$ 19.95
P00070AlexisCake StandClear5H, 10DADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonNo. 61D$ 64.95
P00071WildflowerComport, CoveredClear9.5H, 8DAAdamsNo. 140$ 99.95
P00072Bethlehem StarPitcher, WaterClear8.5H, 5.25DAIndianaNo. 152$ 84.95
P00073Ribbon (Dolphin)Comport, OpenClear, Frosted8.5H, 7.5DABakewell, PearsEnglish$ 199.95
P00074FeatherDish, OvalClear9.25L, 6.75W, 2HAMcKee Doric$ 19.95
P00075Willow OakComportClear6H, 7.5DABryceWreath$ 24.95
P00076DakotaCake StandClear, Engraved6.75H, 9.5DARipleyDakota$ 89.95
P00077U.S. CoinComport, CoveredClear, Frosted10H, 7DBU.S. GlassNo. 15005 Silver Age$ 199.95
P00078Job's TearsButter, CoveredClear6H, 7.5DAAdamsArt$ 64.95
P00079Our Daily BreadPlate, BreadClear, White Center13L, 9W, 1.5HAAtterburyRock of Ages$ 89.95
P00080Fine Cut and BlockCreamerClear, Blue Stain6.25H, 4.125DAKingNo. 25$ 59.95
P00081Fine Cut and BlockSugarClear, Blue Stain5.25H, 5.75DBKingNo. 25$ 34.95
P00082SnailCheese, CoveredClear6.75H, 7.75DADuncanNo. 360$ 149.95
P00083Liberty BellBowl, FlaredClear4.5H, 8DAAdamsCentennial 1876$ 49.95
P00084Flamingo HabitatComportClear, Etched8H, 9DAHobbs, BrockunierNo. 77$ 49.95
P00085Bethlehem StarGoblet, WaterClear6.5H, 3.25DAIndianaNo. 152$ 39.95
P00086MarylandGoblet, WaterClear6H, 2.875DAU.S. GlassNo. 15049$ 24.95
P00087Pleat and PanelGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryce, WalkerDerby$ 29.95
P00088Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00089Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00090Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00091Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00092Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00093Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00094Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00095Paneled Forget-Me-NotGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.125DABryceRegal$ 24.95
P00096Fine Cut and BlockGoblet, LadiesClear5.5H, 3.375DAKingNo. 25$ 34.95
P00097Ivy in SnowGoblet, WaterClear, Ruby Stain, Gilded, Souvenir5.5H, 2.875DACo-operative Flint Forest$ 59.95
P00098CubeGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.375DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00099PennsylvaniaDecanterClear8H, 6DAU.S. GlassNo. 15048$ 69.95
P00100Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00101Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00102Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00103Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00104Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00105Thousand Eye BandGoblet, WaterClear6.75H, 3DAUnattributedUnknown$ 24.95
P00106Horseshoe StemSauce, FootedClear2.5H, 4DAO'HaraNo. 99$ 14.95
P00107Horseshoe StemSauce, FootedClear2.5H, 4DAO'HaraNo. 99$ 14.95
P00108Horseshoe StemSauce, FootedClear2.5H, 4DAO'HaraNo. 99$ 14.95
P00109Horseshoe StemSauce, FootedClear2.5H, 4DAO'HaraNo. 99$ 14.95
P00110IllinoisDish, RectangleClear7.5L, 4W, 1.5HAU.S. GlassNo. 15052$ 9.95
P00111Hand and Bar Butter, CoveredClear6.5H, 7.25DABryce, WalkerNo. 90$ 74.95
P00112Cord DraperyButter, CoveredClear6H, 7DAGreentownNo. 350$ 49.95
P00113LorraineButter, CoveredClear, Stippled4H, 7.5DANew Martinsville No. 722$ 49.95
P00114Banded PortlandSugarClear, Rose Stain, Gilded4.75L, 3.25W, 2.75HAU.S. GlassNo. 15071 Virginia$ 24.95
P00115ActressComport, CoveredClear, Frosted12H, 8DAAdamsOpera$ 149.95
P00116X-RayCelery VaseGreen, Gilded6.25H, 4DARiversideNo. 462$ 39.95
P00117Arched Fleur-de-LisTumblerClear, Ruby Stain3.75H, 2.75DBBryceFleur-de-Lis$ 29.95
P00118Button ArchesTumblerClear, Ruby Stain, Engraved3.75H, 3DADuncanNo. 39$ 24.95
P00119IcicleTumblerClear, Ruby Stain, Souvenir3.75H, 3DABakewell, Pears (possible)Icicle$ 24.95
P00120HeroTumblerClear, Frosted, Enameled3.75H, 3DAElsonHero$ 49.95
P00121King's CrownToothpickClear, Ruby Stain, Engraved2.5H, 3DAAdamsXLCR$ 29.95
P00122Bead SwagSugar, CoveredMilk White, Enameled6H, 4DAHeiseyNo. 1295$ 39.95
P00123TorpedoSpoonerClear5.5H, 3.5DAThompsonNo. 17$ 24.95
P00124LightningSpoonerClear5.5H, 3.5DATiffinLightning$ 29.95
P00125Job's TearsComport, OpenClear8.5H, 10DAAdamsArt$ 54.95
P00126Centennial AleAle, FootedClear7H, 2.875DACentralNo. 455$ 39.95
P00127Centennial AleAle, FootedClear7H, 2.875DACentralNo. 455$ 39.95
P00128Button ArchesGoblet, WaterClambroth, Gilded, Souvenir6H, 3.25DADuncanNo. 39$ 39.95
P00129Bar and DiamondBowl, FootedClear4.25H, 8.25DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 24.95
P00130Bar and DiamondSauce, FootedClear2H, 4.25DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 12.95
P00131Bar and DiamondSauce, FootedClear2H, 4.25DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 12.95
P00132AidaPitcher, WaterClear, Engraved8.5L, 4.25W, 10.25HABelmontNo. 12$ 99.95
P00133BubblePitcher, TankardClear, Engraved11H, 4.75DAUnattributedUnknown (No. 067)$ 79.95
P00134Shell and Tassel (round)Comport, CoveredClear8.75H, 6.5DCDuncanNo. 555$ 29.95
P00135Fine Cut and BlockComport, JellyClear, Blue Stain4.75H, 5DAKingNo. 25$ 79.95
P00136Fine Cut and BlockLampClear, Blue Stain8.75H, 5.75DAKingNo. 25$ 499.95
P00137RibbonGoblet, WaterClear, Frosted6.5H, 3.125DABakewell, PearsEnglish$ 34.95
P00138Shell and Tassel (round)Goblet, WaterClear6.5H, 3.25DADuncanNo. 555$ 39.95
P00139Chain with Star Goblet, WaterClear5.875H, 3.25DABryce, WalkerNo. 79$ 19.95
P00140Dewdrop and Rain DropGoblet, WaterClear5.625H, 3.25DAKokomo (Federal)No. 50$ 19.95
P00141Late Paneled GrapeGoblet, WaterClear5.675H, 3.125DAD.C. JenkinsNo. 707$ 19.95
P00142ActressGoblet, WaterClear, Frosted6.5H, 3.25DAAdamsOpera$ 99.95
P00143Tulip with SawtoothWineClear4.375H, 2.125DABryce, RichardsTulip$ 19.95
P00144MaizeCelery VaseAmber, Blue6.5H, 4.5DALibbey & SonsMaize$ 145.95
P00145Challinor's FluteCelery VasePurple, White, Slag8.125H, 4.5DAChallinor, TaylorNo. 13$ 94.95
P00146IdahoComport, CoveredClear, Etched11.5H, 7.5DARipleyNo. 360$ 99.95
P00147WisconsinComport, CoveredClear 11.5H, 7.5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15079$ 124.95
P00148EgyptianComport, CoveredClear11.625H, 8DAAdamsNo. 50, Sphynx$ 239.95
P00149Three FaceSugar, CoveredClear, Frosted10H, 4.5DADuncanNo. 400$ 149.95
P00150Three FaceComport, CoveredClear, Frosted11.75H, 7.5DADuncanNo. 400$ 239.95
P00151Three FaceComport, CoveredClear, Frosted13H, 8.5DADuncanNo. 400$ 279.95
P00152Three FaceComport, CoveredClear, Frosted13H, 8.5DADuncanNo. 400$ 279.95
P00153Roman KeyComportClear, Frosted, Flint6.25H, 7DAUnionRoman Key$ 59.95
P00154WestmorelandComport, CoveredClear11.25H, 8DAGillinderNo. 420, Westmoreland$ 64.95
P00155Heavy DrapeComport, OpenClear10H, 10.5DAFostoriaNo. 1300$ 124.95
P00156Broken ColumnComportClear8.5H, 8.5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15021$ 24.95
P00157Ribbed IvyComport, OpenClear, Flint5H, 8DBHobbs, BrockunierRibbed Ivy$ 29.95
P00158Diamond PrismComport, CoveredClear, Flint8.75H, 7DABoston and SandwichPressed Prism$ 99.95
P00159ThumbprintComportClear, Flint4.5H, 6.25DBKingArgus$ 24.95
P00160Fine Prism and SwirlComportClear, Flint5H, 7.5DAUnattributedUnknown$ 29.95
P00161PearlButter, CoveredClear6.5L, 6.5W, 6HAHuntingtonPearl$ 39.95
P00162NailButter, CoveredClear, Etched6H, 8DAU.S. GlassNo. 15002$ 59.95
P00163EgyptianButter, CoveredClear5.375H, 6.5DAAdamsNo. 50, Sphynx$ 124.95
P00164Heart with ThumbprintCreamer and Sugar, Set(2)Clear, Gilded2.375H, 2.625DATarentum Hartford$ 29.95
P00165YaleCreamerClear5.25H, 2.75DAMcKee Yale$ 29.95
P00166Bar and DiamondGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.5DARichards and HartleyNo. 190$ 29.95
P00167FloridaTray, RelishClear3H, 9DAU.S. GlassNo. 15056$ 19.95
P00168EgyptianPlateClear1.25H, 10DAAdamsNo. 50, Sphynx$ 59.99
P00169Cupid and VenusPlateClear1.25H, 10.5DARichards and HartleyNo. 500$ 34.99
P00170Stippled Forget-Me-NotPlatter (Heron)Clear1.125H, 11.5DAFindlay FlintDot$ 59.95
P00171Feather DusterBanana StandClear8.5H, 10.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15043$ 39.95
P00172ColumbiaBanana StandClear7.125H, 9DADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonNo. 53D, Columbia$ 49.95
P00173Lace EdgeButter, CoveredGreen, Moss Slag5.75H, 6.5DAAtterburyLace Edge$ 124.95
P00174SunburstVase, SwungClear13H, 4.125DAMcKee Sunburst$ 24.95
P00175Deer and DogComportClear, Etched3.75H, 6DAGillinderNo. 402$ 19.95
P00176LorneButter, CoveredClear7.5L, 5.25W, 3.75HABryce BrothersLorne$ 29.95
P00177Gothic ArchesSugar (base)Clear, Flint3.5H, 4.625DABoston and SandwichGothic Arch$ 19.95
P00178Seneca LoopPitcher, WaterClear8.5H, 5.5DACampbell, JonesLoop$ 59.95
P00179Reverse 44Pitcher, WaterClear, Gilded8.25H, 6DBU.S. GlassNo. 15140, Athena$ 64.95
P00180Lion LampLampClear10.25H, 6.5DAModel Flint GlassLion Lamp$ 249.95
P00181BohemianCologne Bottles, Set(2)Green, Gilded8.75H, 2.5DBU.S. GlassNo. 15063, Bohemian$ 139.95
P00182KYEgg Cup, Set(4)Clear3.75H, 2.25DABakewell, PearsKY$ 59.95
P00183Fine Cut and BlockCelery TrayClear11.5L, 5W, 3.25HAKingNo. 25$ 34.95
P00184Squawking BirdsSalt and PepperClear, Frosted3H, 2DBUnattributedUnattributed$ 49.95
P00185Ladder with DiamondsTray, RelishClear, Gilded7L, 4.5W, 1HADuncanNo. 52$ 12.95
P00186Bosc PearTumblerClear, Gilded, Purple Stain4H, 3DBIndianaNo. 150$ 16.95
P00187Three FaceComport, CoveredClear, Frosted8H, 6DADuncanNo. 400$ 124.95
P00188Three FaceSauce, FootedClear, Frosted2.75H, 4DADuncanNo. 400$ 19.95
P00189Three FaceSauce, FootedClear, Frosted2.75H, 4DADuncanNo. 400$ 19.95
P00190Three FaceSauce, FootedClear, Frosted2.75H, 4DADuncanNo. 400$ 19.95
P00191MascotteJar, Stacking, CoveredClear, Pink Stain8H, 4.5DARipleyMascotte$ 34.95
P00192Bethlehem StarSugar, CoveredClear6.25H, 4.5DAIndianaNo. 152$ 29.95
P00193Rosette and PalmsComportClear6.5H, 6.25DABryce, HigbeeCharm$ 19.95
P00194Keystone GrapeGoblet, WaterClear6H, 3.25DAUnattributedUnattributed$ 29.95
P00195PillowsRose Bowl, FootedClear6.25H, 3.5DAHeiseyNo. 325$ 39.95
P00196Garfield DrapePlate, MemorialClear11.375H, 1.5DBCo-operative Flint Garfield Drape$ 54.95
P00197Lace EdgeSugar, CoveredBlue Opaque6.5H, 5.5DAAtterburyLace Edge$ 124.95
P00198Reverse 44CreamerClear, Platinum4.75H, 3.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15140, Athenia$ 49.95
P00199Reverse 44Sugar, CoveredClear, Platinum6.25H, 4.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15140, Athenia$ 49.95
P00200DelosCake StandClear5.25H, 10.25DANationalNo. 85, Delos$ 99.95
P00201AustrianComport, OpenClear8H, 8.5DAGreentownNo. 200$ 69.95
P00202BritannicRose BowlClear5H, 5.25DAMcKee Britannic$ 29.95
P00203EyewinkerComport, OpenClear8.5L, 7.75W, 7.25HADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonGenoese$ 124.95
P00204EyewinkerPlate, Upturned SidesClear9.25L, 8.75W, 2HADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonGenoese$ 64.95
P00205Shell and TasselComport, OpenClear8L, 8W, 7.5HADuncanNo. 555$ 74.95
P00206PrismSugar, Footed (base)Clear, Flint5.25H, 5DABakewell, PearsPrism$ 34.95
P00207Cupid's Hunt with HorseshoeComportClear, Crystallography4.25H, 5.75DARiversideUnknown$ 24.95
P00208CaliforniaWineGreen, Gilded4H, 2DAU.S. GlassNo. 15059$ 49.95
P00209ColoradoTumblerGreen, Gilded3.5H, 3DBU.S. GlassNo. 15057$ 19.95
P00210Pressed DiamondCreamerBlue4.75H, 3.5DACentralNo. 775$ 39.95
SoldP00211ConnecticutSugar, CoveredClear, White Enameled Flowers6H, 4.75DAU.S. GlassNo. 15068Sold
P00212Diamond ThumbprintComportClear, Flint5.75H, 8.25DAMultiple MakersUnknown$ 69.95
P00213Hobnail with Thumbprint BaseSalt, Individual, Set(3)Amber1H, 2.125DADoyleNo. 150$ 24.95
P00214Bull's Eye and FanPitcherClear8.25H, 4DAU.S. GlassNo. 15090$ 44.95
P00215Corrigan ComportClear6.25H, 6DADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonNo. 57D$ 29.95
P00216Loop and PetalCandlestickClear, Flint7H, 4.25DABoston and SandwichUnknown$ 49.95
P00217ChandelierComport, OpenClear7.5H, 8.25DAO'HaraCrown Jewel$ 49.95
P00218Diamond and Sunburst (variant)TumblerClear, Ruby Stain3.675H, 2.75DBU.S. GlassNo. 15018$ 24.95
P00219Plain, 3 etched bandsGoblet, Water, Set(6)Clear, Etched6H, 3.5DAUnattributedUnknown$ 74.95
P00220Plain, 3 etched bandsGoblet, WaterClear, Etched6H, 3.5DAUnattributedUnknown$ 14.95
P00221Pleat and PanelTray, RelishClear9.5L, 5W, 1.25HABryce, WalkerDerby$ 19.95
P00222Liberty BellSugar, ChildsClear2.5H, 2.25DBAdamsCentennial$ 29.95
P00223Hand (and Bar)Comport, CoveredClear9.25H, 8DAO'HaraNo. 39, Pennsylvania$ 89.95
P00224VikingSugar, CoveredClear8H, 5DAHobbs, BrockunierNo. 76$ 59.95
P00225Westward Ho (R)Sauce, Covered (R)Clear, Frosted6.5H, 4D(R)L. G. WrightPioneer$ 19.95
P00226Flamingo HabitatComport, CoveredClear, Etched11.875H, 9DAHobbs, BrockunierNo. 77$ 194.95
P00227Westward HoComport, CoveredClear, Frosted14.75H, 8.25DA,CGillinderPioneer$ 79.95
P00228Daisy and ButtonCreamerClear, Amber Stain5.125H, 3.25DBHobbs, BrockunierNo. 110$ 24.95
P00229HickmanComport, CoveredClear12H, 8.25DAMcKee Jubilee$ 39.95
P00230Medallion SunburstComport, OpenClear6H, 8.75DABryceBanquet$ 19.95
P00231Sawtooth HoneycombPitcher, WaterClear7.25H, 5.5DASteimer Diamond$ 54.95
P00232Be Industrious (Beehive)Plate, BreadClear, Frosted11.5L, 8W, 1.25HACrystal Unknown$ 49.95
P00233New HampshireSyrupClear6.25H, 3.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15084$ 74.99
P00234EstateCologne, OSClear, Platinum 7.25H, 4.5DAWestmoreland SpecialtyFiligree$ 29.95
P00235IndianaNappy, HandledClear, Gilded1.75H, 4.625DAU.S. GlassNo. 15029$ 24.95
P00236KansasButter, CoveredClear4.75H, 6.75DAU.S. GlassNo. 15072 $ 94.95
P00237Seneca LoopCompote, Open, Low standardClear6.25H, 10.75DAMultiple MakersLoop$ 39.95
P00238VikingButter, CoveredClear5.75H, 6.25DAHobbs, BrockunierNo. 76$ 84.95
P00239Cord and TasselCake StandClear7H, 10.5DALa BelleUnknown$ 124.95
P00240BritannicComportGreen8H, 8.5DAMcKee Britannic$ 74.95
P00241DelosCake StandClear4.625H, 9.25DANationalNo. 85, Delos$ 39.95
P00242DelosCake StandClear4.625H, 9.25DCNationalNo. 85, Delos$ 9.95
P00243Ball and SwirlCompoteClear7.375H, 8DAJeannetteRay$ 19.95
P00244CottageCake StandClear6.5H, 9DAAdamsCottage$ 39.95
P00245Grape with VineCake StandClear6H, 11DAFederalUnknown$ 34.95
P00246ConnecticutCompoteClear, White Enameled Flowers8H, 10DAU.S. GlassNo. 15068$ 49.95
P00247Bow TieCake StandClear6H, 9DAThompsonNo. 18$ 124.95
P00248Bow TieJar, CoveredClear6.5H, 3DAThompsonNo. 18$ 79.95
P00249IdahoComport, CoveredClear, Etched10H, 7DARipleyNo. 360$ 79.95
P00250MinnesotaCarafe, WaterClear9H, 6.25DAU.S GlassNo. 15055$ 49.95
P00251Minerva, John AdamsPlate Clear1.125H, 8.75DAAdamsNo. 17$ 39.95
P00252Pluck No. 2PlateClear, Frosted1.125H, 10.75DAGillinderPluck No. 2$ 64.95
P00253Broken ColumnCake StandClear7H, 9.5DAU.S. GlassNo. 15021$ 74.95
P00254AmbidextrousSugar, CoveredClear8H, 4.375DABryce, WalkerUnknown$ 44.95
P00255GrasshopperSpoonerClear, Engraved5H, 3.375DARiversideNo. 4$ 29.95
P00256Leaf and DartGobletClear4.875H, 3.25DARichards and HartleyPride$ 29.95
P00257Leaf and DartGobletClear4.875H, 3.25DARichards and HartleyPride$ 29.95
P00258Leaf and DartGobletClear4.875H, 3.25DARichards and HartleyPride$ 29.95
P00259Leaf and DartGobletClear4.875H, 3.25DARichards and HartleyPride$ 29.95
P00260Diagonal BandGobletClear6H, 3.25DAMcKee Jewel$ 24.95
P00261Columbian ExpositionGobletClear5.75H, 3.125DAUnattributedUnknown$ 29.95
P00262Columbian ExpositionGobletClear5.75H, 3.125DAUnattributedUnknown$ 29.95
P00263Scroll with Cane BandBowl, Master BerryClear, Ruby Stain3.25H, 8.375DAWest Virgina GlassNo. 213$ 64.95
P00264Scroll with Cane BandBowl, BerryClear, Ruby Stain1.75H, 4.5DAWest Virgina GlassNo. 213$ 24.95
P00265Scroll with Cane BandBowl, BerryClear, Ruby Stain1.75H, 4.5DAWest Virgina GlassNo. 213$ 24.95
P00266Scroll with Cane BandBowl, BerryClear, Ruby Stain1.75H, 4.5DAWest Virgina GlassNo. 213$ 24.95
P00267Scroll with Cane BandBowl, BerryClear, Ruby Stain1.75H, 4.5DAWest Virgina GlassNo. 213$ 24.95
P00268Daisy and ButtonBowlClear2.75H, 8.125DAMultiple MakersUnknown$ 29.95
P00269Cord DraperyCake Plate, FootedClear1.75H, 10DAGreentownNo. 350$ 39.95
P00270Pope Leo XIIIPlate, BreadClear1.25H, 10DABryce, HigbeePope Leo XIII$ 39.95
P00271Girl with ParrotPlate, BreadClear, Frosted1.75H, 10.75DACrystal Unknown$ 79.95
P00272MissouriDish, Tri-Corner, FootedClear3.25H, 7.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15058$ 34.95
P00273Reverse TorpedoComport, Pie-Crust EdgeClear6.5H, 9.5DADalzell, Gilmore and LeightonNo. 49D$ 49.95
P00274Teardrop & TasselPitcher, WaterClear8.875H, 4.625DBGreentownNo. 102$ 19.95
P00275Spanish American (Dewey)Pitcher, WaterClear9.25H, 4.875DABeatty-BradyDewey$ 59.95
P00276HidalgoSugar, CoveredClear, Frosted4W, 4H, 8.25DBAdamsHidalgo$ 29.95
P00277HidalgoButter, CoveredClear, Frosted6.25W, 6.25H, 6.625DBAdamsHidalgo$ 39.95
P00278RosbyCruet, OSClear95L, 7H, 3DAFostoriaNo. 1704, Rosby$ 19.95
P00279HoneycombCelery VaseClear8.5H, 3.75DAGillinder (likely)New York$ 24.95
P00280Heart with ThumbprintGobletClear, Gilding6H, 3.25DBTarentum Hartford$ 39.95
P00281Pear StemGobletClear, Engraved3.25H, 6DAUnattributedUnknown$ 39.95
P00282MichiganTumblerClear, Pink Stain4H, 3DBU.S. GlassNo. 15077$ 14.95
P00283Broken ColumnSpoonerClear4.25H, 3.25DAU.S. GlassNo. 15021$ 24.95
P00284BritannicSyrupClear7.25H, 4DAMcKee Britannic$ 99.95
P00285HandPickle JarClear, Silverplate10.25H, 4DAO'HaraNo. 39 Pennsylvania$ 99.95
P00286Daisy DrapeButter, CoveredClear6L, 6W, 4.5HARipleyUnknown$ 39.95
P00287Westward Ho!Compote, Covered, Low standardClear, Frosted7.5H, 5DAGillinderPioneer$ 99.95
P00288Three FaceCompote, Covered, Low standardClear, Frosted4.375H, 6DADuncanNo. 400$ 99.95
P00289EurekaTumblerClear, Ruby Stain4H, 2.75DAMcKee No. 3, Eureka$ 24.95
P00290EurekaTumblerClear, Ruby Stain4H, 2.75DAMcKee No. 3, Eureka$ 24.95
P00291Pear Panel StemWineClear, Ruby Stain4H, 2DAUnattributedUnknown$ 14.99
P00292Pear Panel StemWineClear, Ruby Stain4H, 2DAUnattributedUnknown$ 14.99
P00293Kings CrownWineClear, Ruby Stain, Printing4.75H, 3.625DAAdamsXCLR$ 19.95
P00294Button ArchesSpoonerClear, Ruby Stain4H, 3DBDuncanNo. 39$ 12.95
P00295Wild Rose with BowknotTumblerClear, Frosted, Painted3.75H, 2.75DBNationalSultan$ 24.95
P00296Grape and LatticeTumblerGreen, Gilded4H, 3DBDuganFiligree, Unnamed$ 34.95
P00297DraperyTumblerWhite Opalescent, Gilded4.125H, 3.25DBNorthwoodUnknown$ 29.95
P00298Hexagon BlockGobletClear, Amber Stain5.75H, 3DAMultiple MakersBlock$ 24.95
P00299DelawareCreamerClear, Deep Red Stain, Gilding4H, 3.25DBU.S. GlassNo. 15065$ 54.95
P00300DelawareTumblerClear, Deep Red Stain, Gilding3.875H, 3DAU.S. GlassNo. 15065$ 99.95
P00301DelawareVaseClear, Deep Red Stain, Gilding8H, 3.75DBU.S. GlassNo. 15065$ 159.95
P00302Halley's CometTray, RelishClear7L, 4.5W, 1.75HAModel Flint GlassEtruria$ 19.95

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